Spectraproof® works with a combination of spectral mathematics and ICC colour management. This software calculates, for on-screen simulation, the collation of both process and spot colours. In addition, the solution can visualise substrates, primers, varnish and hot foils. Functions for checking the display, the ambient light quality and reporting tools round off the solution. These are all key factors in reducing costs and streamlining processes.

SpectraProof is a unique softproofing system for multi-channel PDFs. Its simplicity is only surpassed by its accuracy. The more information you have about your colors the more precise the on screen rendering. A single Lab measurement, a single spectrum or spectral ramps printed on the substrate and over black feed the builtin spectral prediction model to achieve higher and higher precision. On top there is automated features for simulating printing stocks, primers, varnishes and hotfoil stamping in a photo realistic but color correct way. A connected spectrometer can be used to measure colors or substrates, to calibrate the monitor, and to verify all the colors rendered in a job. Missing colors can be replaced by colors from the built in spectral libraries, or quickly remeasured. Basic annotation tools and the possibility to exchange complete jobs with other users facilitate a simple but powerful workflow. The Spectraproof® system is the perfect combination of our “led–normlicht monitor hood” and our own spectral soft proofing application. Both enables easy remote collaboration and color communication at a new level.